Deutsch Kurzhaar Klub
The focus of the VCDKK is to promote the Deutsch Kurzhaar (DK) through proven and established performance testing, hunting, and breeding practices in order to preserve the integrity of one of
the worlds’ premier versatile hunting companions.
With the encouragement and approval of the Deutsch-Kurzhaar Verband, e.V. (DKV), in December of 2006 the Vereinigter [United] CanAm Deutsch Kurzhaar Klub (VCDKK) was renamed and began to move forward.
Under the umbrella of the DKV, the VCDKK adheres and abides by the strict testing rules of the Jagdgebrauchshundverband e. V. (JGHV) and has drafted by-laws that reflect and emphasize breeding regulations and practices that are important to the consistent development of a capable and biddable versatile hunting dog.
For a more complete history and description of our club and its rules/policies, visit our ABOUT section.