About The VCDKK
Many friends of the hunting Deutsch Kurzhaar (DK) in North American and Germany, including breeders, owners and Verbandsrichter's (club judges) expressed an interest in forming a Deutsch Kurzhaar club that would exclusively embrace the German traditions of breed purity and testing. In order to facilitate the integration of members from both Canada and the United States of America a Deutsch Kurzhaar Breed Club was established that exemplifies the spirit and intent of the German breeding and testing system for the Deutsch Kurzhaar.
To that end, with the encouragement and approval of the Deutsch-Kurzhaar Verband, e.V. (DKV), in December of 2006 the Vereinigter [United] CanAm Deutsch Kurzhaar Klub (VCDKK) was renamed and began to move forward with new leadership.
The focus of the VCDKK is to promote the Deutsch Kurzhaar (DK) through proven and established performance testing and breeding practices in order to preserve the integrity of one of the worlds’ premier versatile hunting companions.
Under the umbrella of the DKV, the VCDKK adheres and abides by the strict testing rules of the Jagdgebrauchshundverband e. V. (JGHV) and has drafted by-laws that reflect and emphasize breeding regulations and practices that are important to the consistent development of a capable and biddable versatile hunting dog
Our executive board and many VCDKK members have years of experience and a broad spectrum of knowledge with respect to the training, testing and hunting of the DK. Many of them are intimately familiar with and practice the breeding strategies that have successfully evolved the versatile hunting Deutsch Kurzhaar.
The VCDKK welcomes hunters who are experienced DK supporters and novice members alike. In fact, any licensed hunter who wishes to support our breed is welcome in the VCDKK. The VCDDK prides itself on making every effort to aid our members by offering training and testing opportunities.
The versatile hunting DK is our pride and our passion and we will make every effort to maintain the true versatility of the DK breed. In addition we steadfastly abide by the time tested and proven performance testing program of the DKV.
The VCDKK follows the letter that the well established German testing and breeding system that is intended to consistently produce the most capable versatile hunting companion that any serious hunter would be proud to live with and hunt by.